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Dr. Eliscer Guzman

      Dr. Eliscer Guzman is an internationally renowned cardiologist with internal medicine certification and experience.  Dr. Guzman holds his practices in multiple locations In the New York City Area, and is affiliated NYC’s prestigious Mount Sinai hospital. Teaching is something Dr. Guzman has always been passionate about; he’s worked as an assistant professor in both the State University of New York Medical Center and Columbia University Medical Center. When it comes to media exposure, Dr. Guzman is ubiquitous, between the articles he pens, and the radio and television guests appearances he’s made regularly. Currently, Guzman’s biggest audiences are drawn from his own TV shows, “A Tu Salud” on Telemundo 47, and “ El Corazón de la Medicina” on Telemicro International. The latter is produced in New York City and is broadcast to the entire United States, Europe, South America, and the Dominican Republic. The show’s purpose is to inform and educate the audience of the latest health issues, and offer tips as to how to prevent them. 

Dr. Eliscer Guzman has over 20 years of cardiology experience.

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